St Mary's Road, East Hendred, Wantage, OX12 8LF
01235 833342

Welcome to Hedgehogs Class page!


  Hedgehogs Class Information

February, 2024

Dear Parents/ Carers,

  Firstly, we hope that you have had an enjoyable and relaxing half-term break. We are looking forward to an exciting, happy term and the children have already got off to a great start! Our topic for this term is The Victorians and please refer to our topic web below for more details.  Below are a few reminders for the weeks ahead. 


 Children will continue to read with a teacher during Guided Reading Sessions. In addition, each day they will also listen to, and follow the text of the Class Book.  Please encourage your child to read at home. The teachers suggest children read at least three times per week to an adult family member and we would like that person to note their signature in the child’s Homework Diary. It would benefit your child greatly, if the text was further discussed by asking relevant questions.  These Homework Diary should be kept in their book bags so that the staff add comments during the week or read comments from home. The Homework Diaries will be collected in on Thursday so that staff can monitor your child's reads.  

  The Reading Challenge is encouraging the children to increase their reads at home.  For each read, they will get a raffle ticket entered into a termly draw. At the end of each term, a ticket will be selected and this child will be awarded a book of their choice, up to the value of £5. The more reads, the more raffle tickets, which means a higher chance of winning!



  The homework will be handed out on Friday and the deadline for returning their homework each week is the following Thursday. Homework will consist of a mixture of writing, comprehension, SPAG, maths and topic based activities.  A spelling overview for Term 4 has already been given out and the children will be tested on the words they have learned at home each Wednesday.  The children also have logins for Times Table Rock Stars and are able to practise their times tables that they are learning individually. They also have a Mathletics login and three activities are set each week on a Friday, for them to complete by the following Thursday.


 PE Kit and related items

  PE will take place on Tuesday (outdoors Games lesson) and on Wednesday (Gym lesson). The children will continue to come into school wearing their PE kits for these days which consists of trainers, navy blue shorts, a white t-shirt and an additional layer, a dark-coloured tracksuit if the weather is cold. During games lessons (and at breaktime) the children are expected to wear shin pads if they are playing a contact sport, which should be clearly labelled. Please ensure that your child has a named water bottle each day and especially on PE days and during hot spells.  


Finally, if you do have any concerns about any aspect of your child’s learning, please email the school office and we will be informed.  We look forward to teaching your children and helping them to do their best each day!


Yours sincerely


Mrs Anna Loughlin

Mrs Rachel Tennant



T4 Carrots Spelling Overview.pdf .pdf
T4 Bananas Spelling Overview.docx .docx
T4 Avacados Spelling Overview.pdf .pdf

Hedgehogs studied From a Railway Carriage by RL Stevenson. We listened to the poem and made up actions to go along with each line. We wrote our own fantastic poems about what we imagined that we would see from a train carriage window.

Hedgehogs made collages of some famous trains in history.
