Welcome to the Owls Class!
February 2024
Dear Parents,
I hope you all had a good rest during February half term and feel refreshed ready for a fun-filled term of learning!
Essentials to keep in school
Essentials to bring to school every day
They will have two PE lessons a week, one taught by our PE coach (Mr Dance) on a Tuesday morning and the second lesson taught by myself. Children should come to school in PE kit (navy joggers or shorts, white t-shirt, a navy zip up hoodie or school sweatshirt and trainers) every Tuesday. I will teach a indoor PE lesson every Monday, children should come to school in their PE kit (shorts and t-shirt).
Forest Club
Your children will also participate in forest club with Miss Duffy and Mrs Rackley, it will be held in our forest area on the school grounds. Children will attend Forest Club on a Friday afternoon, so should come into school wearing PE kit and bring a change of clothes for Forest Club. Please ensure that you provide appropriate clothing for your children, as the weather gets colder.
Reading Challenge
At St Amand’s we really value the importance of reading and being read to. Each year we have a reading challenge, this year we have altered it slightly. For each read a child completes at home, they will have a raffle ticket entered into a termly draw. At the end of each term, a ticket will be selected and this child will be awarded a book of their choice. The more reads, the more raffle tickets, which means a higher chance of winning! As reading to your child is just as important as your child reading to you, you can write down when you read to your child as well as when they read to you. Please note, you do not always have to write a comment about your child’s reading, just a note to let us know they have been reading at home.
Mathletics and spelling homework will be set on a Monday for year ones. Please complete and return by the following Monday. Reading books and library books will also be changed on a Monday. Please make sure your reading books are in your bags every day!
Parental involvement - Mystery reader!
We encourage parental involvement as much as possible. There will be opportunities throughout the year to get involved and we’d love to see you in school! Keep an eye out for information about opportunities. Please sign up to be a mystery reader!
Overview of uniform:
Monday: PE kit
Tuesday: PE kit
Wednesday: Normal uniform
Thursday: Normal uniform
Friday: Normal uniform (please bring forest club clothes in a bag)
If you have any questions about anything at all, please do not hesitate to talk to me at the end of the day. Alternatively, you can send an email to Debbie in the office (office.3855@st-amands.oxon.sch.uk).
Yours Sincerely,
Miss Jess Baker
Maths in the early years
Trying new food!
Great Fire of London learning!
Forest club fun!