St Mary's Road, East Hendred, Wantage, OX12 8LF
01235 833342

Welcome to Rabbits Class


Welcome to Rabbits Class 2023-2024 

Spring is in the air!

Welcome back to term 4 which is set to be our busiest yet. Spring in Rabbits class will be fun-packed with learning and adventure as we head off to find out about toys from the past. We have lots of activities planned for World Book Day. Followed by British Science week, where the topic is time this year. We have a very exciting Workshop day where we will be transported back to the Victorian era. We will spend time in prayer every day so that we can live like Jesus and grow closer to God. We will make our Lenten promises and join in solidarity, as a school, to raise funds for Mary's meals (please see our face book page where there is a link to donate through just giving). Our Lenten challenge is a sponsored walk, please give generously! Thank you. 



  • Daily Reading, Spellings and TTRS
  • Spellings set on Monday's
  • Homework collected on Thursday's
  • New Reading books and Homework given out on Friday's
  • PE - Monday and Tuesday please come to school wearing PE kit.
  • Forest Club - Friday afternoon please come to school in school uniform and children are able to change at lunchtime if needed. Wellies and waterproofs maybe needed depending on the weather.
  • The British spring weather is very unpredictable, during this time please pack spare clothes (especially socks) in bags for children to change into if they become wet/muddy. 
  • Our uniform policy can be found on the website.
T3 Topic Web.pdf .pdf

"We work together, we play together, we pray together and we always do our best"

St Mary's Road, East Hendred, Wantage, OX12 8LF
01235 833342

Welcome to Rabbits Class


Welcome to Rabbits Class 2023-2024 

Spring is in the air!

Welcome back to term 4 which is set to be our busiest yet. Spring in Rabbits class will be fun-packed with learning and adventure as we head off to find out about toys from the past. We have lots of activities planned for World Book Day. Followed by British Science week, where the topic is time this year. We have a very exciting Workshop day where we will be transported back to the Victorian era. We will spend time in prayer every day so that we can live like Jesus and grow closer to God. We will make our Lenten promises and join in solidarity, as a school, to raise funds for Mary's meals (please see our face book page where there is a link to donate through just giving). Our Lenten challenge is a sponsored walk, please give generously! Thank you. 



  • Daily Reading, Spellings and TTRS
  • Spellings set on Monday's
  • Homework collected on Thursday's
  • New Reading books and Homework given out on Friday's
  • PE - Monday and Tuesday please come to school wearing PE kit.
  • Forest Club - Friday afternoon please come to school in school uniform and children are able to change at lunchtime if needed. Wellies and waterproofs maybe needed depending on the weather.
  • The British spring weather is very unpredictable, during this time please pack spare clothes (especially socks) in bags for children to change into if they become wet/muddy. 
  • Our uniform policy can be found on the website.
T3 Topic Web.pdf .pdf

"We work together, we play together, we pray together and we always do our best"

St Mary's Road, East Hendred, Wantage, OX12 8LF
01235 833342

Welcome to Rabbits Class


Welcome to Rabbits Class 2023-2024 

Spring is in the air!

Welcome back to term 4 which is set to be our busiest yet. Spring in Rabbits class will be fun-packed with learning and adventure as we head off to find out about toys from the past. We have lots of activities planned for World Book Day. Followed by British Science week, where the topic is time this year. We have a very exciting Workshop day where we will be transported back to the Victorian era. We will spend time in prayer every day so that we can live like Jesus and grow closer to God. We will make our Lenten promises and join in solidarity, as a school, to raise funds for Mary's meals (please see our face book page where there is a link to donate through just giving). Our Lenten challenge is a sponsored walk, please give generously! Thank you. 



  • Daily Reading, Spellings and TTRS
  • Spellings set on Monday's
  • Homework collected on Thursday's
  • New Reading books and Homework given out on Friday's
  • PE - Monday and Tuesday please come to school wearing PE kit.
  • Forest Club - Friday afternoon please come to school in school uniform and children are able to change at lunchtime if needed. Wellies and waterproofs maybe needed depending on the weather.
  • The British spring weather is very unpredictable, during this time please pack spare clothes (especially socks) in bags for children to change into if they become wet/muddy. 
  • Our uniform policy can be found on the website.
T3 Topic Web.pdf .pdf

"We work together, we play together, we pray together and we always do our best"